With over 20 years experience in the community this family owned and operated financial planning practice offers local convenience with a focus on fostering long lasting client relationships
A sound financial plan involves a thorough process to ensure the plan is personal and effective.
More important is ensuring that the plan is reviewed regularly to ensure it remains relevant to you, your goals and the ever changing markets and regulatory environment.
The initial interview is a discovery session where we explain our services and get to know each other. A detailed analysis of your financial position, knowledge of financial products and services and also your risk profile will be determined. Once we have the basic data we can then discuss personal goals and objectives and what you wish to achieve from the advice process.
With all of the necessary information collected we begin to tailor a plan to match your goals and objectives to your financial situation. This can involve detailed projections, quotations and comparisons of several scenarios. The important selection of suitable products and services is undertaken and all recommendations are compiled into a written document called a Statement of Advice.
With all financial recommendations there is always the accompanying paperwork to action them. All paperwork will be prepared ready for your strategy presentation appointment.
Meeting with you once more we talk you through your tailored financial plan. At this point you are encouraged to raise any questions or queries with the plan to ensure we are meeting your goals and objectives and that the plan is achievable.
Once you are satisfied with the plan and any final amendments have been made then we implement the strategy on your behalf. We follow this process through until completion and all aspects of the plan are in place.
Any plan needs to remain flexible and as your circumstances change so do your goals and objectives. As simple as a friendly update or to make material changes to your plans, a regular review will ensure that your plan remains relevant and you are getting the most out of your situation as your life and investments change.
Ready for the initial interview? Click Here to download a fact finder.